
- 2 mins

Over the years, I’ve developed a bit of a fascination with short, thought-provoking nuggets of wisdom — aphorisms, quotes, proverbs, maxims, adages, apothegms — whatever you call them. There’s something captivating about how a few words can distill deep truths, sparking reflection or offering direction when life feels a bit unclear.

I often find myself revisiting these collected bits of wisdom when I need perspective, clarity, or even a little inspiration. Somehow, they transcend time and act like little beacons, showing up exactly when you need them most — whether you’re lost in thought or just lost in general.

So, I’ve decided to curate them here, publicly. Think of this as a living document that I’ll update whenever I stumble upon something new that speaks to me. A perpetual work-in-progress, much like life itself.

You might find some of these vague, and lacking context - that’s intentional. I prefer to leave them as they are — short, mysterious, and open to interpretation. There’s a certain magic in their brevity. I like that, depending on where you are in life or what you’re going through, the same phrase can take on entirely different meanings.

So, here they are, in no specific order — take from them what you will. They’ve helped guide me, and I hope, in some small way, they can do the same for you.

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Sandeep Raju Prabhakar

Sandeep Raju Prabhakar

Writes about technology, software engineering and other things that interests him.